Concept presentation
The concept is simple, every two weeks (semi-monthly) I choose a contribution to Open Source that I made during these two weeks that I find quite complete and particularly interesting to present to you.
It is also an opportunity for me to present some Open Source projects.
This contribution will be in the form of a Pull Request.
I will share with you an article which will be in the form below but I keep the freedom to adjust the shape of the articles according to the content I want to present.

Contribution details
Contribution references
A badge will indicate the Contribution link (on GitHub) and another badge will indicate the type of contribution (feature, bug fix ...)
This is an example of a Pull Request link badge.
This is an example of a Pull Request type badge.
Some tags will be used to display technologies and concepts used for the contribution.
You can find them in the following form:
Project description
I will put here a brief description of the project to which the contribution is made.
Understanding, playing with and familiarizing yourself with the project is important when contributing to an Open Source repository.
The purpose of this step is to make you understand the usefulness of the project and to provide you with an introductory context.
Note that each project may have several contributions.
This step will be a continuation of the first one, it will allow you to understand in more detail the context in which the contribution takes place.
I will also add the project website link (if available) in the following form: Example website link
Current Behavior - actual state
This step will give you an overview of the current state (if there is one) and the desired state.
It will allow you to understand from a functional point of view what we expect this contribution to achieve.
It will recall the outcome statement and add information you will need to have to understand the article.
This is an example of an issue link badge.
The solution - expected state
This step will surely be the most important.
I will explain my reasoning to you and general concepts you need to understand.
I will illustrate my reasoning with certain pieces of code, some diagrams...
I will try to be as clear as possible so that you can broadly understand the work I have done.
Problem encountered
Here I will show you some issues (if there were any) that I may have encountered while resolving the issue.
I will present these problems to you with a little perspective to show you how I was able to learn from these problems and find solutions.
What did I learn ?
One of the main motivation that drives me to contribute to Open Source is to learn new things.
I will therefore share here the things that I was able to learn by making this contribution.